《Brand Marketing》Syllabus
Course Number: 2110060711
Course Name: Brand Management
Instructor: Zhang Yan
Required Text: Xue Binpeng. Brand Marketing [M]. Beijing: Electronics Industry Press, 2020.
Course Description: course builds upon the foundations of marketing and management theory, following the sequence of brand development, management, and maintenance. It covers topics such as brand evolution, customer-centric branding, brand positioning, branding elements strategies, brand marketing strategies, brand leverage strategies, brand extension, brand portfolio management, brand rejuvenation, brand defense and protection, brand culture, brand IP, and brand evaluation. Through this course, students will gain a comprehensive understanding of brand planning, communication, enhancement, and evaluation, enabling them to master the basic theories of brand marketing and management, develop brand integration design capabilities, and independently plan and design brand marketing strategies. This lays a professional foundation for marketing students to excel in brand marketing roles upon graduation.
Credit/Teaching Hours
Outline of UG CPC Topics Covered in this Course: (2.5Credits/40 Teaching Hours)
I.Brand and Its Evolution 4Teaching Hours
-Introduction to Brand Concepts
-Brand Value for Customers, Companies, and Society
-Industries and Sectors Where Brands Apply
-Evolution of Brand Management in Europe, the US, and China
-Strategies for Creating, Cultivating, and Elevating Brands
II.Own-brand Development 2Teaching Hours
-Essence and Characteristics of Own-brands
-Strategies for Transitioning from Manufacturing to Own-brand Development
III.Customer-centric Branding 2Teaching Hours
-Customer-focused Brand Equity
-Customer Brand Knowledge and Its Significance
-Logic of Building Brand Influence in Customers' Minds
IV.Brand Positioning 4Teaching Hours
-Significance of Brand Positioning
-4Cs Analysis Framework for Brand Positioning
-Strategies and Methods for Brand Positioning
-5Ps Logic Framework for Executing Brand Positioning
-Brand Refreshment and Its Strategies
V.Brand Element Strategy 2Teaching Hours
-Brand Elements and Their Significance
-Design Principles for Key Brand Elements
-Sensory Branding, Sensory Marketing Strategies, and Future Trends
-Brand Element Defense and Protection Strategies
VI.Brand Marketing Strategies 4Teaching Hours
-Value of Marketing Channels and Terminal Decision-making
-Value of Marketing Communication for Brands
-Brand Communication Strategies
VII.Brand Leverage 4Teaching Hours
-Definition, Theoretical Basis, and Conditions for Brand Leverage
-Principles and Strategies for Leveraging Countries and Regions
-Principles and Strategies for Leveraging Brand Ambassadors
-Principles and Strategies for Leveraging Sponsored Events
-Types, Leverage Principles, and Strategies for Brand Alliances
-Innovative Significance of Brand Leverage Models
VIII.Brand Extension Strategy 2Teaching Hours
-Definition and Significance of Brand Extension
-Positive and Negative Effects of Brand Extension
-General Principles for Brand Extension
-Applicable Scenarios for Vertical Brand Extension
IX.Brand Portfolio Strategy 2Teaching Hours
-Definition and Significance of Brand Portfolio Strategy
-Implementation Strategies for Vertical Brand Portfolios
-Implementation Strategies for Horizontal Brand Portfolios
-General Principles for Brand Portfolios in Dynamic and Changing Environments
X.Brand Management System 4Teaching Hours
-Significance of Brand Management System for Companies
-Use of Brand Charter, Brand Manual, and Brand Report
-Brand Evaluation from Customer Mindset Perspective
-Brand Evaluation from Commodity Market Perspective
-Brand Evaluation from Financial Market Perspective
-Logical Relationship Among Three Perspectives of Brand Evaluation
XI.Brand Management Roles and Responsibilities 4Teaching Hours
-Roles and Responsibilities of Employees at Different Levels and Positions in Brand Management
-The Connotation and Methods of Brand Evaluation from the Perspective of Commodity Market
- Brand Evaluation and Methods from the Perspective of Financial Market
-The Logical Relationship between Brand Evaluation from the Three Perspectives
Total (Teaching Hours) 40
Summary of UG CPC Topics Covered in this Course: (40Teaching Hours)
a. | Marketing | 4Teaching Hours |
b. | Business Finance | 2Teaching Hours |
c. | Accounting | 2Teaching Hours |
d. | Management | 4Teaching Hours |
e. | Legal Environment of Business | 2Teaching Hour |
f. | Economics | 4Teaching Hours |
g. | Business Ethics | 1Teaching Hour |
h. | Global Dimensions of Business | 4Teaching Hours |
i. | Business CommunicationsM | 2Teaching Hours |
j. | Information Systems | 2Teaching Hours |
k. | Quantitative Techniques/Statistics | 0 |
l. | Business Policies | 6Teaching Hours |
m. | Integrating Experience | 8Teaching Hours |
| Total Number of Teaching Hours Covering CPC | 40Teaching Hours |